When it’s time to order a sign, we take the time to discuss your project in detail with you. Whether it’s a budget, and deadline, or product knowledge, we can answer every detail you need. We provide samples when needed, and provide a free quote via email directly to you. We also occasional do an onsite visit to help determine the needs for the quote upon discussion. Once the quote is accepted, and terms agreed upon, we provide a pdf proof of your sign with all details involved in the production of every sign. This is the starting point of production, and it will begin on schedule once approved. Completion, finishing, and Delivery are all that are left, and Shipping is also available when needed.
Sustainable, Reliable, Dependable.
Determine project needs, timeline, and terms. Via Email, Phone or at our facility. On site visit may be needed.
1411 Air Rail Avenue Virginia Beach, VA 23455
Ph: (757) 363-1600
Email address – [email protected]

PDF Quote is sent with terms and conditions, including deadline, shipping/delivery/cpu and any list of any items needed for art/design/production including special equipment for installation or access to locations. Any custom materials not in stock are ordered to meet the deadline. Any stock materials are allotted and set aside for production.

Art/Design or receipt of any assets needed for production and proofing. A pdf of the project, details, materials is sent for review and approval. Once approved, production will begin. Always keep in mind, there is a deadline for approval to keep on schedule. Multiple revisions are acceptable, but can cause delays, and additional cost to the project.

Production begins in any form determined, whether it’s a vehicle wrap, a banner, or dimensional letters. Updates may be given including upcoming weather for installation, splits in shipments or changes deemed necessary for better results of project. We have practiced redundancy for decades in that if a printer breaks down, we have a second option for production to keep on schedule.

Completion of project, quality control, packaging whether for delivery by HarringtonGraphics, Customer Pick Up, shipping via UPS/FedEx/Freight, or preparing for installation, this is the beginning of the conclusion of your project. We notify you of completion for pick up, sending tracking number for shipping, prepare for installation, or make arrangements for delivery. Photos are taken for reference and promotional purposes, and stored for future referral. Invoicing is performed and project is completed.